
PhytoCognition is an awareness and mentoring platform for patients and caregivers who are interested to prevent and manage chronic disease better. Here you will find scientifically based and un-biased information, as well as real life experiences that will help you improve your quality of life, age well and be the best version of yourself. 

It’s never too late to start living your life under your own terms.

Elina Vogiatzaki - Life Scientists mentoring

Meet the lady who believes in YOU!

My name is Evangelia Vogiatzaki, but everybody calls me Elina. I am a woman, a mother, a wife, a daughter and a scientist. 

Although I hold a Ph.D. in biology and I have more than 12 years of academic experience, life, books and volunteering have taught me much more.

I understand a lot about chronic disease as a scientist, but also because I have dealt myself with family members suffering from chronic disease, like Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) and dementia. 

My mission is to help as many people as possible to develop cognition (thinking and awareness, in latin) about how their body and mind work together, in order to align them and live a healthier, fulfilling and happy life.

I am an advocate of being yourself and living your life under your own terms. This is why my vision is to impact as many people as possible to get aligned with their true self, embrace who they really are and make the most out of their lives.

Thank you for your trust and enjoy your time here.

Warmly, Elina

Here is where I also offer my time and advice:

The Hellenic Association of Pulmonary Fibrosis, “Lungs of Life” for patients who are facing pulmonary fibrosis and other lung related issues. – I am member of the board, representing patients in Europe and helping them manage their disease through online webinars. 

The which provides free online education for school drop offs in Africa. – I help them build educational content, and improve their fundraising and communication activities.

The Swiss International Volunteer Organization (SIVO). –  I mentor expat professionals develop a successful career aligned to their personal needs. 

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