How to find which job fits you (Part 1)

Do you feel that the times that we were looking for a permanent job to settle down have passed? Me too. It’s not only because of the uncertainty that comes with a corporate or academic job, but mainly because our mindset has changed. This is mainly how the previous generations used to think.
Having access to so much information online makes us almost automatically more aware of the different options, but also of our potential.
We can easily search and find information about a job role that we are interested in, we can understand more about ourselves and our needs by taking quizzes, listening to podcasts or watching videos. We are not anymore looking for a job that ONLY pays the bills and offers stability. We are not anymore willing to sell our time for money and to swallow the unreasonable demands of a boss. We want more, much more from our working life.
We want a job that is aligned with our interests, our personality and our needs. We want a job that will allow us to learn, grow and be happy at the same time. A job that will help us discover and uncover our full potential.
Due to the covid pandemic many of us realized that working from home can give us more flexibility. It can help us save time from commuting and make us more productive, effective and more human. This pandemic also taught us that we invest too much time to our jobs and we put aside our needs, our family and generally our life.
If you are someone who is fed up with your job or your life as it is today, you can change this. It’s totally on your hands!
Initially, it will not be very easy. It demands personal work and introspection and it needs faith. You need to talk seriously and honestly with yourself. You need to start asking difficult and painful questions and you need to keep doing that until you find the answer.
The answer to the most important question:
“ What do I want to do with my life?”
Once you find the answer you need to take immense and immediate action. Action to shift all the gears and start leading your life where you want. Will it be easy? Who knows? Most certainly not, but at least you will not live a half-life and you will not regret for not trying to live the life that you wanted.