How to find which job fits you (Part 4)

How to find which job fits me
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Uproot limiting beliefs that hold you back from landing your dream job


Do you often catch yourself thinking:

“I cannot have everything I want (work-life balance, money, not too much stress, creativity, etc)”.

“I am not white and I don’t come from a privileged country”.

“I don’t hold a degree from a top university”.

“I don’t have enough lab experience or this or that…”.

“I am not good enough in this or that…”.

I hope that after reading all the previous parts of this article you understand that all the above things that you are telling yourself are just excuses. 

Somehow, because some traumatic experience happened during your early life, you are not feeling confident enough. You may be feeling that you are not as smart as a child that grew up in a big city, not as capable as someone who speaks two or three languages, not as good as someone who holds a degree from MIT or Harvard.

You may even feel that because you don’t have all the above, you also do not deserve a good salary, a good job or a comfortable life. But guess what?!

All the above are just some more limiting beliefs that you accumulated during your life because of the way that you grew up, the culture around you and the people who influenced you the most. These limiting beliefs were developed at a certain point of your life to help you adjust and survive in a certain environment, but are not serving you anymore. On the contrary, they are blocking you from living your life in your full potential and from serving the world with your unique talents.

We are all born equal. We are not different from each other, I mean superior or inferior and, we all have the same potential. Our only difference is that we are unique.

There is not another person like you on this earth. You many find other people with similar characteristics as yours, but you are unique. Nobody has exactly the same genes as yours, nobody grew up the same way as you did, nobody interacted with all these people that you interacted until now and nobody had exactly the same experiences as you did. So, all these things make you unique and you are good enough, because you were born enough.

Even if you are born with a disability or in a less privileged place or situation, you were born good enough to survive and to determine your future and your life. You have the brain to figure out how to do it. You only need to increase your awareness and take action.

…Part 5

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